Toglo gwelededd dewislen symudol

Deddf gamblo ffurflenni cais

Mae ffurflenni cais ar gael ar gyfer trwyddedau, hawlenni, datganiadau dros dro, hysbysiadau mangre a'r hawl i gynnal lotrïau mewn mangre.

Os nad ydych yn siŵr pa fath o drwydded neu hysbysiad sydd ei angen arnoch, e-bostiwch y tîm Trwyddedu yn

Wrth gyflwyno'ch ffurflen gais dylech hefyd anfon copïau at bob awdurdod cyfrifol. Gall pob un o'r awdurdodau cyfrifol hyn gyflwyno sylwadau i ni am y ceisiadau a dderbyniwn o dan Ddeddf Gamblo 2005. Rydym yn ystyried y sylwadau hyn wrth gyhoeddi trwydded.

Trwyddedau mangre

Application for a premises licence - standard form (PDF) [192KB]

Application for a premises licence - transitional conversion application (PDF) [193KB]

Application for a premises licence (vessel) (PDF) [237KB]

Application for a premises licence - transitional conversion vessels only (PDF) [191KB]

Application for the reinstatement of a premises licence (PDF) [188KB]

Application to transfer a premises licence (PDF) [192KB]

Application for review of a premises licence (PDF) [181KB]


Application form for club gaming permit or club machine permit (PDF) [203KB]

Application for conversion or new grant change of name of a prize gaming permit (PDF) [234KB]

Application for conversion or new grant change of name of an unlicensed family entertainment centre gaming permit (PDF) [223KB]

Datganiadau dros dro

Application for a provisional statement (PDF) [250KB]

Application for a provisional statement (vessel) (PDF) [193KB]


Application for lottery registration (PDF) [285KB]

Trwyddedau eraill

Notification of 2 or less gaming machines or gaming machine permit applications (PDF) [232KB]

Gall hysbysiad o ddefnydd dros dro ganiatáu defnyddio adeilad ar gyfer gamblo heb fod angen trwydded mangre.

Temporary use notice for premises (PDF) [188KB]

Temporary use notice vessels (PDF) [187KB]

Mae'r hysbysiad o ddefnydd achlysurol yn caniatáu betio mewn traciau rasio am gyfnodau byr, heb fod angen trwydded mangre betio.

Occasional use of track for purpose of betting (PDF) [189KB]


Os ydych chi'n cyflwyno cais am grant neu amrywiad ar drwydded mangre neu ar gyfer datganiad amodol,  rhaid rhoi rhybudd i bob un o'r awdurdodau cyfrifol. Dylid hefyd arddangos hysbysiad yn y fangre lle gall aelodau'r cyhoedd ei weld. Dylid hefyd gyhoeddi'r hysbysiad yn y papur newydd lleol. Dylai'r hysbysiadau hyn ddilyn y templedi canlynol.

Notice of application for a premises licence (Form A for individual person or company) (PDF) [101KB]

Notice of application for a premises licence (Form A for individual person or company) (Word doc) [45KB]

Notice of application for a premises licence (Form B for joint applications by more than one individual or company) (PDF) [41KB]

Notice of application for a premises licence (Form B for joint applications by more than one individual or company) (Word doc) [46KB]

Notice of application for a provisional statement (Form A for individual person or company) (PDF) [101KB]

Notice of application for a provisional statement (Form A for individual person or company) (Word doc) [45KB]

Notice of application for a provisional statement (Form B for joint applications by more than one individual or company) (PDF) [104KB]

Notice of application for a provisional statement (Form B for joint applications by more than one individual or company) (Word doc) [46KB]

Notice of application for review to premises licence holder and responsible authorities (PDF) [43KB]

Notice of application for review to premises licence holder and responsible authorities (Word doc) [46KB]

Notice of application for a provisional statement - format for notice to be published (PDF) [41KB]

Notice of application for a provisional statement - format for notice to be published (Word doc) [46KB]

Notice of application for review - format for notice to be published (PDF) [40KB]

Notice of application for review - format for notice to be published (Word doc) [47KB]

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